Research: Development of novel optical and X-ray diagnostics to study materials in extreme conditions and materials at the nanoscale using ultrafast lasers, large scale (synchrotron, XFEL) and tabletop X-ray sources. Application of X-ray lensless or Coherent Diffraction Imaging (CDI) to the study of materials under extreme conditions and magnetic ordering at the nanoscale.
2021-2023 Physics Major, Brigham Young University, Senior Thesis: "Dynamic probing of the high pressure and temperature phase transitions of Iron on millisecond timescales" - now at Stanford University graduate biomedical physics program
2021-2023 Physics Major, Brigham Young University, Senior Thesis: "Comparison between x-ray free electron laser phase contrast imaging (PCI) andhydrodynamic simulations of void collapse in PETN single crystals" - now at University of California at Berkeley graduate nuclear engineering program
2020-2023 Physics Major, Brigham Young University, Senior Thesis: “Hard X-ray, Optical Transient Grating for Probing Ultrafast Dynamics in Solids” - now at Los Alamos National Laboratory
2020-2023 Physics Major, Brigham Young University, Senior Thesis: “Development of Robust Gold Nanoparticle Samples for Bragg Coherent Diffraction Imaging at Modern Beamlines with Increased X-ray Flux" - now at Sandia National Laboratory
2022 Applied Physics Major, Brigham Young University, Senior Capstone Project: “Developing Improvements to the Teaching of Lock-In Amplifiers in Physics 245”
2019-2022 Physics Major, Brigham Young University, Senior Thesis: “A Compilation of Dose Studies in Particle Therapy Treatment for Cancer”, now at UT Southwestern Medical Center graduate bioengineering program
2020-2021 Applied Physics Major, Brigham Young University, Senior Capstone Project: “Teaching the Practical Principles of Fourier Optics in an Undergraduate Laboratory”
2019-2020 Physics Major, Brigham Young University, Senior Thesis: “Wavenumber Error in Interference Pattern Lensless Imaging,” BS 4/2020 - now graduate student in physics at CU-Boulder
2019-2020 Mechanical Engineering Major, Brigham Young University - now at Brigham Young University electrical and computer engineering graduate program